Get to know the shared workspace expert Technopolis
In 2022 Technopolis celebrates its 40th anniversary. Here are some basic numbers about us so you can get to know the shared workspace expert Technopolis better!

1982 – the year Technopolis was founded in Oulu, Finland
It was an exciting year since the same year the Helsinki Metro was opened to the public, Michael Jackson released his sixth studio album Thriller and Ciabatta bread was invented by a baker in Verona, Italy
200 – number of Technopolis employees (2022)
6 – the countries we operate in: Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and Luxembourg
11 – the number of cities we have campuses in Northern Europe: Oulu, Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Helsinki, Tallinn, Vilnius, Oslo, Gothenburg, Luxembourg, and Stockholm
795,900 m2 – rentable space (which equals 111 football fields!)
1,500 – companies at Technopolis campuses
45,000 – people working at Technopolis campuses
4,2/5 – our customer satisfaction (which we are very proud of)
100 – the percentage of renewable electricity used at our campuses
10,200 – portions served daily at our restaurants
5959 – seats at Technopolis meeting rooms which equals 4,4 times of seats in Oslo opera house main auditorium
13 – we have altogether 13 saunas which equals 0,000565 % of all saunas in Finland