Directions Hermia
Technopolis Hermia is located next to VTT and the Tampere University in Hervanta along with excellent public transportation connections.
Arrival map


Technopolis Hermia 1
Hermiankatu 6-8 D stair, 2nd floor, 33720 Tampere
- if.siloponhcet@erepmat
- +358 46 870 0180

Technopolis Hermia 11 and 12
Hermiankatu 1, 33720 Tampere
- if.siloponhcet@erepmat
- +358 46 870 0170

Technopolis Hermia 10
Hermiankatu 3, 33720 Tampere
- if.siloponhcet@erepmat
- +358 46 870 0170

Technopolis Hermia 15
Insinöörinkatu 41, 33720 Tampere
- if.siloponhcet@erepmat
- +358 46 870 0170
Contact us
Hermia 1, 10, 11 and 12:
Guest parking is chargeable on weekdays between 8:00 and 16:00. You can pay for parking by ParkMan, EasyPark or eParking applications. Alternatively you can pay for parking by credit card in Hermia 11 reception.
Electric vehicle charging
Charging and payment at all charging points are done via the eParking app, which shows the current charging price. Additionally, the area’s parking fee must be paid.
Hermia 10 -property’s parking area has 24 slow schuko electric vehicle charging spots for visitors.
Hermia 12 -property’s street-level parking area on the Hervannan valtaväylä side has four Type 2 charging points, where charging is allowed for a maximum of 4 hours. These spots are available for both contract customers and visitors.
Hermia 15 -property’s parking yard has four type 2 charging points, where charging is allowed for a maximum of 4 hours. These spots are available for both contract customers and visitors.
Hermia 15:
You can get a guest parking permit by calling to reception (+358 46 870 0170) or by e-mail:
By bus
Tram and several bus lines operate to Hermia regularly. Check out the timetables below or insert Hermiankatu or Insinöörinkatu as an address in the Nysse app.
The nearest tramway stop is located just in front of Hermia 15 building at Insinöörinkatu. Check out the timetables below or insert Hermiankatu or Insinöörinkatu as an address in the Nysse app.
By tram
Tram and several bus lines operate to Hermia regularly. Check out the timetables below or insert Hermiankatu or Insinöörinkatu as an address in the Nysse app.
The nearest tramway stop is located just in front of Hermia 15 building at Insinöörinkatu. Check out the timetables below or insert Hermiankatu or Insinöörinkatu as an address in the Nysse app.
Hermia 11, address Hermiankatu 1, the main entrance is accessible.
Hermia 10, address Hermiankatu 3, the main entrance is accessible.
Hermia 15, address Insinöörinkatu 41, the main entrance is accessible.