Green City service: a useful tool to reduce your company’s footprint

Ülemiste City values the green environment. At the end of August, we presented the Green City service – a platform that helps companies collect, visualize and analyze their consumption data and the resulting footprint.

"Since companies have an increasing responsibility to be environmentally aware in their business activities, and the sustainability reporting is becoming more and more specific, Ülemiste City launched a unique Green City service," said Mati Fjodorov, Chief Green Officer of Mainor AS. "The Green City service directs our companies and employees to think about their footprint and facilitates sustainability-related activities. Firstly, it helps to gather and visualize the data, which is one of the most time-consuming parts of reporting. Secondly, it provides an overview of the whole campus and company's resource consumption, and thirdly, the platform provides recommendations on what to do to consume more wisely."

Explore the service, get a closer look at the campus’ and your company’s data, and take a step towards a more sustainable future!

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